About Us

This journey started one day several years back, when we received 3 calls back to back. These calls came from schools in NH, one of which we had just done some lanyards for. They were looking for something better then the paper calendars they sent home with students at the first of the year. They said that these didn't last much more the a few weeks, and that parents have been asking about something else we might use … we said "Magnets", and the rest is history.

That year after doing the few for these schools, and having them tell friends, we ended up doing a dozen or so. The next year we jumped to a few hundred, and yes was because over the winter time we printed a brochure and some post cards, did a mass mailing and the phone calls and email started coming. Now several years later, and hundreds of happy schools later, we are now one of the largest Custom School Calendar Magnet Companies in America.

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